Up to 20% of women think about quitting their jobs because of menopausal symptoms! More than 30% of women say that menopause has a negative impact on their work performance. And most of them want support from their employer, but don't get it.
Although menopause is universal, it is still stigmatized and poses a challenge and burden to both personal and professional lives. Yet more than 1 billion women are menopausal today!
The workplace costs associated with menopause are not recognized, even though they are obvious.
The menopause - also known as the menopause - can be a real challenge for female employees in the workplace. Fatigue, drowsiness and poor memory can lead to a loss of productivity, especially when they are added to an already stressful working day. The phenomenon of employees being present but less focused at work is known as presenteeism. Interestingly, presenteeism costs employers ten times more than absenteeism, i.e. absence for personal reasons. Current studies assume that around 150 billion in productivity is lost globally each year due to the menopause.
Since the cost of hiring a new female employee can range from half to twice a year's salary - even more for executives - supporting menopausal women can help reduce costs significantly.
For economic reasons alone, the company should be interested in offering female employees in menopause appropriate support to maintain their ability to work. The fastest-growing group of female employees thus remains productive and motivated despite menopausal symptoms and can continue to make a valuable contribution to the company. The risk of absenteeism is reduced and profitability increased.
Depending on the industry, the shortage of skilled workers is estimated at between 10%-30%. Unfortunately, the situation will not improve in the next few years. The largest growing group of employees are women between 40-60 years. Women who are in menopause. If they suffer from a shortage of skilled workers, they have a great potential with women between 40-60 years of age, which has been completely neglected so far.
General overview of offers
- Keynote talks at major events
- 60- to 90-minute awareness sessions for employees
- Further training of line management
- Further qualification of the human resources department
- Organization of women's meetings in a setting that allows for discussion and exchange (menopause cafés and occasions).
- Training of an internal menopause expert in your company (Menopause Champion)
- "Train the Trainer" training
- Review and adjustment of working conditions
- Review and adaptation of policies and guidelines
- Establishment of a menopause toolkit.
- Various menopause focus workshops: Resilience, nutrition, and homeopathy, among others.
- Retainer work to support their female employees during menopause.
- Direct individual support via the "The Women Circle platform".
We support them with a holistic approach to improving the work situation of menopausal women and continuous monitoring.
In this way, both their female employees and their company benefit.
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