TWC #042: What your mum never told you about the menopause

What your mum never told you about the menopause
We both (i.e. Joëlle and Adrian) have always talked to our mums about the menopause.
That makes us a big exception…
The subject is usually so taboo that mums don’t talk about it with their daughters, let alone their sons. And it is precisely this taboo that we want to break. Once you have read this newsletter, ask your mum how she experienced the menopause. This can (but doesn’t have to) give you clues as to how it might go for you.
The menopause, with its symptoms such as hot flushes, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, irritability and weight gain, is considered a natural process. But does «woman» feel like this? No, because the menopause affects everything from sleep and mood to the heart. An open conversation can help.
The truth about the menopause
By definition, you’re in the menopause if you haven’t had a period for exactly one year. So if you get your period in March and it starts again in October, you are not yet in the menopause. You are in the perimenopause, where your hormones take a break and reappear from time to time. The dance of the menopause has begun.
Research has so far found that up to 48 symptoms are associated with the menopause. Some of them can have life-changing effects. You can check your symptoms here.
Why sleep is so important
We hear time and time again that menopausal women can’t sleep through the night. Some wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, others can no longer fall asleep. These sleep problems are often accompanied by overeating and weight gain, tiredness, mood swings and anger. And that’s not all: a lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure and obesity, which in turn can trigger diabetes.
And last but not least, the heart also suffers. That’s why healthy sleep is so important.
To help you sleep better, read our newsletter #029 Sleep disorders – Why and what can I do about it?
Oh, the headaches…
Headaches, also known as migraines, are unfortunately a common symptom of the menopause. You can recognise a migraine by having problems with light, nausea or vomiting and sometimes an aura or visual change that precedes the pain. Note that aura symptoms are associated with a later stroke.
Could it be that you have a menopausal brain?
«Menopausal brain» (brain fog)? By this we mean a sudden inability to concentrate. We forget things and have trouble finding words. Many women fear that this could be the beginning of dementia. But no, brain fog is caused by hormonal changes. It is a temporary condition. You can alleviate it by living a healthy life: eat healthily, watch your alcohol intake and exercise. You can read more about brain fog in Newsletter #37: Brain Fog – What can I do about it?
Yes, the bones are also affected
Now is the time to have your bone density checked! You should also take a closer look at your diet. Calcium and vitamin D are important for your bones and of course walking, running and strength training help to strengthen your bones.
Remember, if you lose your bone density, you are more likely to suffer fractures, which can lead to significant health problems, especially in women over 65.
Now is the perfect time
Now is the ideal time to make an appointment for your annual check-up. If you know your values, you know whether you should «watch out» even more during the menopause.
Do what you need to do to stay healthy. Take a deep breath. Make the right decisions. Talk to friends, your mum and other people who support you.
Knowledge is power
If you know exactly what’s going on with your body, you can answer this question much better: Who do you want to be in the second half of your life?
The menopause is not the beginning of the end. It is the beginning of a whole new phase of life. The menopause is not the end of femininity. The menopause is the beginning of self-care, self-care and self-realisation. «It’s me time».
Start with a conversation with your mum.
We hope this information will help you to better understand the onset of menopause and take practical steps to deal with it.
If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact us.
Joëlle & Adrian
PS: If you like the Meno Health information, why not send it to your friends?