Meno Health. Clinical Evidence.

TWC #044: The importance of new friendships during the menopause

The importance of new friendships during the menopause

During the menopause, a woman goes through a phase of change that is characterised not only by hormonal changes, but also by changes in her social environment. The importance of social relationships during this time is often underestimated, although they have a decisive influence on physical and emotional well-being. In particular, making new friends or maintaining existing relationships plays a crucial role, but is not always sufficiently recognised.

At this particular stage of life, forming new social bonds can be of great importance, and today we would like to take a closer look at why this is the case and how you can be supported.

Why are new friendships important during the menopause?

The menopause is a time of change, both physically and emotionally. Many women experience changes in their social environment during this phase, whether due to children leaving home or other life circumstances. Making new friends provides a valuable opportunity to connect with like-minded people, find support and lead a fulfilling social life. Studies show that strong social bonds not only increase well-being, but can also reduce the risk of depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.

How can you make new friends?

Making new friends can be difficult at any age. There are many ways to make this easier. Firstly, you should realise that you are not alone. Many menopausal women are in a similar situation. Social isolation can have a negative impact on your emotional and physical well-being at any age.

Share interests and hobbies

Put yourself in situations where you naturally meet people with similar interests. This is a good place to start. Look for activities or groups that match your interests, whether it’s a sports class, book club or volunteer work. Is there a hobby you enjoy at the weekend or a project you haven’t done for a long time? Today is the perfect day to take an art class or join a bird watching group. You’ll find friends with similar interests. Shared interests can be the foundation for new friendships.

Maintain existing contacts

Use existing contacts and networks to meet new people. Talk to friends, colleagues or neighbours and ask about opportunities to meet new people. To start with, you can make a list of people you would like to have a coffee with. You will see that this will lead to many good conversations.

Finding old friends again

You can contact old friends that you have lost sight of. They are often happy to rekindle old acquaintances.

Using online communities

The internet offers many opportunities to make new friends. Platforms such as Meetup, Facebook groups or online forums can be a good way to find like-minded people in your area.

Get out of the house and travel

If you enjoy travelling, you could consider taking a trip to meet new people. Choose a trip where you know there will be group activities at your destination, e.g. a round trip or a cruise.

New friendships during the menopause can be an enriching experience and help you to cope with this special phase of your life. Be open to new encounters, share your interests and be prepared to have new experiences.

Stay tuned and enjoy the valuable relationships you will make!

We hope this information will help you to better understand the menopause and take practical steps to deal with it. If you need personalised advice or support on your journey through the menopause, contact The Women Circle here.

In our next edition, again on Saturday at 9am, we will cover further aspects of the menopause and women’s health. Stay informed and feel good in this special phase of your life.

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