Meno Health. Clinical Evidence.

TWC #050: Why is the pelvic floor so important during menopause?

Dear MHI reader

Menopause brings with it many changes – physically, emotionally and also in terms of your intimate health. And the pelvic floor starts to weaken.

Existing uterine prolapse often worsens, the bladder begins to push and signs of incontinence appear – especially if the pelvic floor is poorly trained. When coughing, jumping or carrying heavy shopping bags, a few drops of urine may be released involuntarily. Many women think this is normal, but it’s not – and you should take care of your pelvic floor early on if these symptoms occur or if you want to prevent them.

Let us explain why:

The pelvic floor – your underestimated muscle friend

The pelvic floor is a complex muscle plate that closes the pelvic outlet and holds the pelvic organs such as the uterus, bladder and bowel in position. Unfortunately, these muscles weaken over the course of a lifetime – due to pregnancy, childbirth, obesity and, last but not least, hormonal changes during the menopause. Weakened pelvic floor muscles can lead to unpleasant symptoms:

  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pain in the pelvic area
  • Bladder weakness and incontinence
  • Vaginal prolapse (descensus) or even uterine prolapse

This discomfort is not only unpleasant, but can also significantly impair your quality of life. A strong pelvic floor protects you from this and makes you feel good about your body.

It is important to understand why pelvic floor training is so important during this time and what benefits it has.

Advantages of pelvic floor training

Prevention of urinary incontinence

A weak pelvic floor can lead to bladder control problems such as frequent urge to urinate, urge incontinence or involuntary loss of urine. Regular pelvic floor training can strengthen the muscles and reduce or even prevent the risk of urinary incontinence.

Support for sexual health

A strong pelvic floor helps to improve sexual function by intensifying sensations during intercourse and facilitating orgasms. In addition, a well-trained pelvic floor can help to reduce vaginal dryness that can occur during the menopause.

Avoidance of prolapse

Prolapse occurs when parts of your internal organs such as the bladder, uterus or bowel descend due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. With targeted training, you can improve the stability of your pelvic floor and reduce the risk of prolapse.

Improving posture and stability

A strong pelvic floor helps you to improve your posture and stabilize your spine. This can alleviate back pain and help you to feel stronger and more stable overall.

Pelvic floor training: the investment that pays off

Regular pelvic floor training is the key to strong muscles. You don’t need to invest a lot of time in this – 10 to 15 minutes a day is enough. There are various exercises you can do to strengthen your pelvic floor, such as Kegel exercises, pelvic floor yoga and Pilates. You can easily integrate these specific exercises into your daily routine:

  • Tensing and releasing the pelvic floor muscles, e.g. when driving a car
  • Strengthening exercises such as knee lifts or pelvic lifts
  • Targeted training with vaginal balls or special devices

It is important to do these exercises regularly to achieve long-term results. You can also see a physiotherapist who can help you learn the right techniques and monitor your progress.

Remember that pelvic floor exercises are not just important during the menopause, but are a lifelong commitment to your health. By strengthening your pelvic floor, you can improve your quality of life and feel more confident and stronger.

Support for your pelvic floor during menopause

During menopause, the pelvic floor is exposed to particular stress. The lack of oestrogen leads to a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and mucous membranes. This can result in dryness and vaginal dryness. A holistic approach is important here: supplement your pelvic floor training with a balanced diet, exercise and possibly a local oestrogen treatment. This way, you can counteract the consequences of hormone deficiency.

Ask a gynecologist or physiotherapist for advice on which exercises and aids are best for you. Regular training can help prevent discomfort and strengthen your intimate health in the long term. Your pelvic floor will thank you! Stay active, informed and healthy during this exciting phase of your life!

We hope this information will help you to better understand menopause and take practical steps to deal with it. If you need personal advice or support on your journey through the menopause, contact The Women Circle here.

In our next edition, again on Saturday at 9am, we will cover more aspects of the menopause and women’s health. Stay informed and feel good in this special phase of life.

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