You will master the challenges of your menopause, which leads to comprehensive health with high performance, positive energy and serenity.
You will work closely with Susanne to achieve this. You will have an intensive exchange over several months of individually tailored coaching to get your challenges under control without getting lost in the jungle of menopause.
As your Meno Heath Coach, I inform you about everything you need to know about menopause.
We analyze your personal situation, your behavior patterns and your attitude.
Together we work out your goals and solution strategies.
I support and accompany you in the implementation of individual measures, the sustainable establishment of what you have learned, active health prevention to protect against age-related diseases and the application of Meno Health rituals
As your Meno Heath Coach, I inform you about everything you need to know about menopause.
We analyze your personal situation, your behavior patterns and your attitude.
Together we work out your goals and solution strategies.
I support and accompany you in the implementation of individual measures, the sustainable establishment of what you have learned, active health prevention to protect against age-related diseases and the application of Meno Health rituals
Our Meno Health Coaching is always teamwork, because Susanne can only help you as well as you are prepared to take your health, quality of life and well-being into your own hands. That's why you need to bring the following with you and be ready for successful coaching:
- put yourself at the top of your list of priorities
- treat yourself with self-care
- apply a certain amount of self-discipline to permanently get rid of bad habits and replace them with better ones
If you meet these three requirements, then there are three 1:1 coaching opportunities available to you.
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