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The Meno Health information is very valuable. I was able to learn a lot and better understand and treat my symptoms. It's a great newsletter.

Sonja B.

The Meno Health information is very valuable. I was able to learn a lot and better understand and treat my symptoms. It's a great newsletter.

Sonja B.

I've been reading the newsletter since the first issue. It has now become a ritual to read the newsletter at 9 a.m. on Saturday mornings. I have learned a lot. Thank you.

Monika Z.

I don't read many newsletters, but this one is a must for me. Every Saturday there is a lot of valuable information and practical tips. It has helped me a lot.

Ute S.

Read the previous issues of Meno Health information here

TWC #091: PMS in den 40ern? Hier erfährst du, warum es sich intensiver anfühlt
TWC #091: PMS in den 40ern? Hier erfährst du, warum es sich intensiver anfühlt
TWC #091: PMS in Your 40s? Here’s Why It Feels More Intense
TWC #091: PMS in Your 40s? Here’s Why It Feels More Intense
TWC #091: Le syndrome prémenstruel dans la quarantaine ? Voici pourquoi il est plus intense
TWC #091: Le syndrome prémenstruel dans la quarantaine ? Voici pourquoi il est plus intense
TWC #090: Hormontherapie nach der Menopause – das Zeitfenster nicht verpassen!
TWC #090: Hormontherapie nach der Menopause – das Zeitfenster nicht verpassen!
TWC #090: Hormone Therapy After Menopause—Don’t Miss the Window
TWC #090: Hormone Therapy After Menopause—Don’t Miss the Window
TWC #090: Le traitement hormonal après la ménopause – la bonne fenêtre
TWC #090: Le traitement hormonal après la ménopause – la bonne fenêtre
TWC #089: Wechseljahre und Arbeit: Ist Home-Office die Lösung?
TWC #089: Wechseljahre und Arbeit: Ist Home-Office die Lösung?
TWC #089: Menopause and Work: Is Remote the Answer?
TWC #089: Menopause and Work: Is Remote the Answer?
TWC #089: Ménopause et travail: la télécommande est-elle la solution ?
TWC #089: Ménopause et travail: la télécommande est-elle la solution ?
TWC #088: Wie du dein Selbstvertrauen bei der Arbeit stärken kannst.
TWC #088: Wie du dein Selbstvertrauen bei der Arbeit stärken kannst.
TWC #088: Comment puis-je renforcer ma confiance en moi au travail.
TWC #088: Comment puis-je renforcer ma confiance en moi au travail.
TWC #088: How you can boost your confidence at work.
TWC #088: How you can boost your confidence at work.
TWC #087: Dein Weg zur Gewichtsbalance und Wohlbefinden in den Wechseljahren
TWC #087: Dein Weg zur Gewichtsbalance und Wohlbefinden in den Wechseljahren
TWC #087: Your path to weight balance and well-being during the menopause
TWC #087: Your path to weight balance and well-being during the menopause
TWC #087: Ton chemin vers l’équilibre pondéral et le bien-être pendant la ménopause
TWC #087: Ton chemin vers l’équilibre pondéral et le bien-être pendant la ménopause
TWC #086: Wie du Nebenwirkungen der Hormonersatztherapie vermeidest.
TWC #086: Wie du Nebenwirkungen der Hormonersatztherapie vermeidest.
TWC #086: How to avoid the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.
TWC #086: How to avoid the side effects of hormone replacement therapy.
TWC #086: Comment éviter les effets secondaires du traitement hormonal de substitution.
TWC #086: Comment éviter les effets secondaires du traitement hormonal de substitution.
TWC #085: Erst Brustkrebs und dann auch noch die Wechseljahre
TWC #085: Erst Brustkrebs und dann auch noch die Wechseljahre
TWC #085: First breast cancer and then menopause
TWC #085: First breast cancer and then menopause
TWC #085: D’abord le cancer du sein, et après la ménopause
TWC #085: D’abord le cancer du sein, et après la ménopause
TWC #084: Schluss jetzt mit Bauchfett: Dein Guide für die Wechseljahre
TWC #084: Schluss jetzt mit Bauchfett: Dein Guide für die Wechseljahre
TWC #084: Put an end to belly fat: Your guide to menopause
TWC #084: Put an end to belly fat: Your guide to menopause
TWC #084: Fini la graisse du ventre : ton guide pour la ménopause
TWC #084: Fini la graisse du ventre : ton guide pour la ménopause
TWC #083: Why you should talk to your mother about menopause.
TWC #083: Why you should talk to your mother about menopause.
TWC #083: Why you should talk to your mum about menopause.
TWC #083: Why you should talk to your mum about menopause.
TWC #083: Pourquoi tu devrais parler de la ménopause avec ta mère.
TWC #083: Pourquoi tu devrais parler de la ménopause avec ta mère.
TWC #082: How to REALLY explain menopause to your husband
TWC #082: How to REALLY explain menopause to your husband
TWC #082: How to REALLY explain the menopause to your husband
TWC #082: How to REALLY explain the menopause to your husband
TWC #082: Comment expliquer VRAIMENT la ménopause à ton mari
TWC #082: Comment expliquer VRAIMENT la ménopause à ton mari
TWC #081: Osteoporosis: Why you need to be extra vigilant during menopause
TWC #081: Osteoporosis: Why you need to be extra vigilant during menopause
TWC #081: Osteoporosis: Why you need to be especially vigilant during menopause
TWC #081: Osteoporosis: Why you need to be especially vigilant during menopause
TWC #081: Ostéoporose : pourquoi tu dois être particulièrement vigilante pendant la ménopause
TWC #081: Ostéoporose : pourquoi tu dois être particulièrement vigilante pendant la ménopause
TWC #080: Cortisol et ménopause - et maintenant ?
TWC #080: Cortisol et ménopause - et maintenant ?
TWC #080: Cortisol and menopause - what now?
TWC #080: Cortisol and menopause - what now?
TWC #080: Cortisol and menopause - what now?
TWC #080: Cortisol and menopause - what now?
TWC #079: Is menopause really to blame for mood swings?
TWC #079: Is menopause really to blame for mood swings?
TWC #079: La ménopause est-elle vraiment responsable des sautes d'humeur ?
TWC #079: La ménopause est-elle vraiment responsable des sautes d'humeur ?
TWC #079: Is menopause really to blame for mood swings?
TWC #079: Is menopause really to blame for mood swings?
TWC #078: Menopause and anger at husbands: the anger is real
TWC #078: Menopause and anger at husbands: the anger is real
TWC #078: Menopause and anger at husbands: The anger is real
TWC #078: Menopause and anger at husbands: The anger is real
TWC #078: Ménopause et colère contre les maris : la colère est réelle
TWC #078: Ménopause et colère contre les maris : la colère est réelle
TWC #077: How do you find the right supplements for you?
TWC #077: How do you find the right supplements for you?
TWC #077: How do you find the right dietary supplements for you?
TWC #077: How do you find the right dietary supplements for you?
TWC #077: Comment trouver les compléments alimentaires qui te conviennent ?
TWC #077: Comment trouver les compléments alimentaires qui te conviennent ?
TWC #076: Menopause under control: How to decide between hormonal and alternative treatments
TWC #076: Menopause under control: How to decide between hormonal and alternative treatments
TWC #076: Menopause under control: How to decide between hormonal and alternative treatments
TWC #076: Menopause under control: How to decide between hormonal and alternative treatments
TWC #076: Maîtriser la ménopause : comment choisir entre les traitements hormonaux et les traitements alternatifs
TWC #076: Maîtriser la ménopause : comment choisir entre les traitements hormonaux et les traitements alternatifs
TWC #075: First signs of the menopause: how to recognize the changes
TWC #075: First signs of the menopause: how to recognize the changes
TWC #075: Premiers signes de la ménopause : comment reconnaître les changements
TWC #075: Premiers signes de la ménopause : comment reconnaître les changements
TWC #075: First signs of menopause: How to recognize the changes
TWC #075: First signs of menopause: How to recognize the changes
TWC #074: Emotional Chaos During Menopause: The Role of Estrogen
TWC #074: Emotional Chaos During Menopause: The Role of Estrogen
TWC #074: Emotional chaos during the menopause: the role of oestrogen
TWC #074: Emotional chaos during the menopause: the role of oestrogen
TWC #074: Le chaos émotionnel de la ménopause : le rôle des œstrogènes
TWC #074: Le chaos émotionnel de la ménopause : le rôle des œstrogènes
TWC #073: Une belle peau pendant la ménopause : Voici comment tu y parviendras.
TWC #073: Une belle peau pendant la ménopause : Voici comment tu y parviendras.
TWC #073: Beautiful skin during menopause: how to achieve it.
TWC #073: Beautiful skin during menopause: how to achieve it.
TWC #073: Beautiful skin during the menopause: How to succeed.
TWC #073: Beautiful skin during the menopause: How to succeed.
TWC #072: Ta thyroïde et la ménopause : ce que tu dois savoir.
TWC #072: Ta thyroïde et la ménopause : ce que tu dois savoir.
TWC #072: Your thyroid and menopause: what you should know.
TWC #072: Your thyroid and menopause: what you should know.
TWC #072: Your thyroid and menopause: What you should know.
TWC #072: Your thyroid and menopause: What you should know.
TWC #071: Breast cancer and menopause: What women should know.
TWC #071: Breast cancer and menopause: What women should know.
TWC #071: Breast cancer and menopause: What women should know.
TWC #071: Breast cancer and menopause: What women should know.
TWC #071: Cancer du sein et ménopause : ce que les femmes doivent savoir.
TWC #071: Cancer du sein et ménopause : ce que les femmes doivent savoir.
TWC #070: The secret of testosterone: why it's important for women
TWC #070: The secret of testosterone: why it's important for women
TWC #070: The secret of testosterone: why it's important for women
TWC #070: The secret of testosterone: why it's important for women
TWC #070: Le secret de la testostérone: pourquoi elle est importante pour les femmes
TWC #070: Le secret de la testostérone: pourquoi elle est importante pour les femmes
TWC #069: How do I survive the hot summer?
TWC #069: How do I survive the hot summer?
TWC #069: Comment survivre à la chaleur de l'été ?
TWC #069: Comment survivre à la chaleur de l'été ?
TWC #069: How do I survive the hot summer?
TWC #069: How do I survive the hot summer?
TWC #068: Ménopause, les termes importants à connaître
TWC #068: Ménopause, les termes importants à connaître
TWC #068: Menopause, important terms you should know
TWC #068: Menopause, important terms you should know
TWC #068: Menopause, important terms you should know
TWC #068: Menopause, important terms you should know
TWC #067: How bad is the menopause really?
TWC #067: How bad is the menopause really?
TWC #067: How bad is menopause really?
TWC #067: How bad is menopause really?
TWC #067: La ménopause est-elle vraiment grave ?
TWC #067: La ménopause est-elle vraiment grave ?
TWC #066 : Comment se préparer à un rendez-vous chez le gynécologue ?
TWC #066 : Comment se préparer à un rendez-vous chez le gynécologue ?
TWC #066: How do I prepare for a gynecologist appointment?
TWC #066: How do I prepare for a gynecologist appointment?
TWC #066: How do I prepare for a gynecologist appointment?
TWC #066: How do I prepare for a gynecologist appointment?
TWC #065 : Maîtriser les migraines Mesures efficaces pendant la ménopause
TWC #065 : Maîtriser les migraines Mesures efficaces pendant la ménopause
TWC #065: Migraines under control effective measures during menopause
TWC #065: Migraines under control effective measures during menopause
TWC #065: Migraines under control Effective measures during the menopause
TWC #065: Migraines under control Effective measures during the menopause
TWC #064: Men and their role in support during the menopause
TWC #064: Men and their role in support during the menopause
TWC #064: Men and their role in support during menopause
TWC #064: Men and their role in support during menopause
TWC #064: Les hommes et leur rôle dans le soutien pendant la ménopause
TWC #064: Les hommes et leur rôle dans le soutien pendant la ménopause
TWC #063: Natural beauty tips for women going through the menopause
TWC #063: Natural beauty tips for women going through the menopause
TWC #063: Conseils de beauté naturels pour les femmes ménopausées
TWC #063: Conseils de beauté naturels pour les femmes ménopausées
TWC #063: Natural beauty tips for women going through menopause
TWC #063: Natural beauty tips for women going through menopause
TWC #062: What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #062: What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #062: Qu'est-ce qu'un traitement hormonal de substitution bio-identique ?
TWC #062: Qu'est-ce qu'un traitement hormonal de substitution bio-identique ?
TWC #062: What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #062: What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #061: Oh dear, now cellulite too
TWC #061: Oh dear, now cellulite too
EN TWC #061: Oh dear, now cellulite too
EN TWC #061: Oh dear, now cellulite too
FR TWC #061: Oh là là, maintenant de la cellulite aussi
FR TWC #061: Oh là là, maintenant de la cellulite aussi
FR TWC #060: Les bouffées de chaleur sont plus dangereuses qu'on ne le pensait jusqu'à présent.
FR TWC #060: Les bouffées de chaleur sont plus dangereuses qu'on ne le pensait jusqu'à présent.
EN TWC #060: Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought.
EN TWC #060: Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought.
TWC #060: Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought.
TWC #060: Hot flashes are more dangerous than previously thought.
TWC #059: Quoi ces symptômes existent aussi ?
TWC #059: Quoi ces symptômes existent aussi ?
TWC #059: What other symptoms are there?
TWC #059: What other symptoms are there?
TWC #059: What other symptoms are there?
TWC #059: What other symptoms are there?
EN TWC #058: Let’s talk about sex: Effects of menopause on sexuality and partnership
EN TWC #058: Let’s talk about sex: Effects of menopause on sexuality and partnership
FR TWC #058: Let's talk about sex: Les effets de la ménopause sur la sexualité et le couple
FR TWC #058: Let's talk about sex: Les effets de la ménopause sur la sexualité et le couple
TWC #058: Let's talk about sex: Effects of menopause on sexuality and partnership
TWC #058: Let's talk about sex: Effects of menopause on sexuality and partnership
TWC #057: Surgical menopause explained: What you need to know and how to deal with it
TWC #057: Surgical menopause explained: What you need to know and how to deal with it
TWC #057: La ménopause chirurgicale explique ce que tu dois savoir et comment y faire face
TWC #057: La ménopause chirurgicale explique ce que tu dois savoir et comment y faire face
TWC #057: Surgical menopause explained: What you need to know and how to deal with it.
TWC #057: Surgical menopause explained: What you need to know and how to deal with it.
TWC #056: Vaginal dryness, yeast infections and frequent urination - how to deal with them
TWC #056: Vaginal dryness, yeast infections and frequent urination - how to deal with them
TWC #056: Sécheresse vaginale, mycoses et envies fréquentes d'uriner - Comment y faire face ?
TWC #056: Sécheresse vaginale, mycoses et envies fréquentes d'uriner - Comment y faire face ?
TWC #056: Vaginal dryness, yeast infections and frequent urination - how to deal with them
TWC #056: Vaginal dryness, yeast infections and frequent urination - how to deal with them
TWC #055: Should I keep taking the pill during menopause?
TWC #055: Should I keep taking the pill during menopause?
TWC #055: Dois-je continuer à prendre la pilule pendant la ménopause ?
TWC #055: Dois-je continuer à prendre la pilule pendant la ménopause ?
TWC #055: Should I keep taking the pill during menopause?
TWC #055: Should I keep taking the pill during menopause?
EN TWC #054: When are postmenopausal bleedings benign or malignant?
EN TWC #054: When are postmenopausal bleedings benign or malignant?
FR TWC #054: When is bleeding after menopause benign or malignant?
FR TWC #054: When is bleeding after menopause benign or malignant?
TWC #054: When is bleeding after menopause benign or malignant?
TWC #054: When is bleeding after menopause benign or malignant?
TWC #053: Je suis en pleine ménopause et si fatiguée et épuisée
TWC #053: Je suis en pleine ménopause et si fatiguée et épuisée
TWC #053: I am in menopause and so tired and exhausted
TWC #053: I am in menopause and so tired and exhausted
TWC #053: I'm in menopause and so tired and exhausted
TWC #053: I'm in menopause and so tired and exhausted
TWC #052: A quoi dois-je faire attention si je suis en post-ménopause ?
TWC #052: A quoi dois-je faire attention si je suis en post-ménopause ?
TWC #052: What do I need to consider when I am postmenopausal?
TWC #052: What do I need to consider when I am postmenopausal?
TWC #052: What do I need to consider when I'm postmenopausal?
TWC #052: What do I need to consider when I'm postmenopausal?
TWC #051: L'alimentation peut être si importante pendant la ménopause !
TWC #051: L'alimentation peut être si importante pendant la ménopause !
TWC #051: Nutrition can be so important during menopause!
TWC #051: Nutrition can be so important during menopause!
TWC #051: Nutrition can be so important during menopause!
TWC #051: Nutrition can be so important during menopause!
TWC #050: Why is the pelvic floor so important during menopause?
TWC #050: Why is the pelvic floor so important during menopause?
TWC #050: Why is the pelvic floor so important during menopause?
TWC #050: Why is the pelvic floor so important during menopause?
TWC #050: Pourquoi le plancher pelvien est-il si important à la ménopause ?
TWC #050: Pourquoi le plancher pelvien est-il si important à la ménopause ?
TWC #049: Loss of libido during menopause
TWC #049: Loss of libido during menopause
TWC #049: Loss of libido during the menopause
TWC #049: Loss of libido during the menopause
TWC #049: Perte de libido pendant la ménopause
TWC #049: Perte de libido pendant la ménopause
TWC #048: Happy Easter
TWC #048: Happy Easter
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #047: Treatment of urinary incontinence in menopausal women
TWC #046: Is there an increased risk of cancer with hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #046: Is there an increased risk of cancer with hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #046: Y a-t-il un risque accru de cancer en cas de traitement hormonal de substitution ?
TWC #046: Y a-t-il un risque accru de cancer en cas de traitement hormonal de substitution ?
TWC #046: Is there an increased risk of cancer with hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #046: Is there an increased risk of cancer with hormone replacement therapy?
TWC #045: My hormone status - what I should know.
TWC #045: My hormone status - what I should know.
TWC #045: Mon statut hormonal - ce que je dois savoir.
TWC #045: Mon statut hormonal - ce que je dois savoir.
TWC #045: My hormone status - what I should know.
TWC #045: My hormone status - what I should know.
TWC #044: The importance of new friendships during the menopause
TWC #044: The importance of new friendships during the menopause
TWC #044: L'importance de nouvelles amitiés à la ménopause
TWC #044: L'importance de nouvelles amitiés à la ménopause
TWC #044: The importance of new friendships during menopause
TWC #044: The importance of new friendships during menopause
TWC #043: Abdominal fat during the menopause - What I can do about it.
TWC #043: Abdominal fat during the menopause - What I can do about it.
TWC #042: What your mother never told you about the menopause
TWC #042: What your mother never told you about the menopause
TWC #041: Should women take magnesium during the menopause?
TWC #041: Should women take magnesium during the menopause?
TWC #040: Joint pain - What can I do about it?
TWC #040: Joint pain - What can I do about it?
TWC #043: Belly fat during menopause – what I can do about it
TWC #043: Belly fat during menopause – what I can do about it
TWC #043: La graisse du ventre à la ménopause - ce que je peux faire pour la combattre
TWC #043: La graisse du ventre à la ménopause - ce que je peux faire pour la combattre
TWC #042: Ce que ta mère ne t'a jamais dit sur la ménopause
TWC #042: Ce que ta mère ne t'a jamais dit sur la ménopause
TWC #042: What your mum never told you about the menopause
TWC #042: What your mum never told you about the menopause
TWC #041: Should women take magnesium during menopause?
TWC #041: Should women take magnesium during menopause?
TWC #041: Les femmes ménopausées doivent-elles consommer du magnésium?
TWC #041: Les femmes ménopausées doivent-elles consommer du magnésium?
TWC #039: 7 reasons why menopause is not a priority in the workplace
TWC #039: 7 reasons why menopause is not a priority in the workplace
TWC #038: Are there tests that can be used to diagnose menopause?
TWC #038: Are there tests that can be used to diagnose menopause?
TWC #037: Brain fog - What can I do about it?
TWC #037: Brain fog - What can I do about it?
TWC #036: 11 foods that keep you full for longer
TWC #036: 11 foods that keep you full for longer
TWC #035: How to survive the festive season
TWC #035: How to survive the festive season
TWC #034: Heart diseases are not men's diseases
TWC #034: Heart diseases are not men's diseases
TWC #040: Joint pain - What can I do about it?
TWC #040: Joint pain - What can I do about it?
TWC #040: Douleurs articulaires - Que puis-je faire ?
TWC #040: Douleurs articulaires - Que puis-je faire ?
TWC #039: 7 reasons why the menopause at work is not a priority
TWC #039: 7 reasons why the menopause at work is not a priority
TWC #039: 7 reasons why menopause is not a priority in the workplace
TWC #039: 7 reasons why menopause is not a priority in the workplace
TWC #038: Are there tests that can be used to diagnose menopause?
TWC #038: Are there tests that can be used to diagnose menopause?
TWC #038: Existe-t-il des tests permettant de diagnostiquer la ménopause?
TWC #038: Existe-t-il des tests permettant de diagnostiquer la ménopause?
TWC #037: Brouillard cérébral (brain fog) - que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #037: Brouillard cérébral (brain fog) - que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #037: Brain fog - what can I do about it?
TWC #037: Brain fog - what can I do about it?
TWC #036: 11 foods that keep you full for longer
TWC #036: 11 foods that keep you full for longer
TWC #036: 11 aliments qui rassasient plus longtemps
TWC #036: 11 aliments qui rassasient plus longtemps
TWC #035: Comment survivre aux fêtes de fin d'année?
TWC #035: Comment survivre aux fêtes de fin d'année?
TWC #035: How do I survive the festive season?
TWC #035: How do I survive the festive season?
TWC #034: Les maladies cardiaques ne sont pas des maladies masculines
TWC #034: Les maladies cardiaques ne sont pas des maladies masculines
TWC #034: Heart diseases are not men's diseases
TWC #034: Heart diseases are not men's diseases
TWC #033: Brittle nails during the menopause
TWC #033: Brittle nails during the menopause
TWC #033: Ongles cassants pendant la ménopause
TWC #033: Ongles cassants pendant la ménopause
TWC #032: Bladder problems during the menopause
TWC #032: Bladder problems during the menopause
TWC #031: 7 depressive fall traps to avoid!
TWC #031: 7 depressive fall traps to avoid!
TWC #033: Brittle nails during menopause
TWC #033: Brittle nails during menopause
TWC #032: Problème de vessie pendant la ménopause
TWC #032: Problème de vessie pendant la ménopause
TWC #032: Bladder problems during menopause
TWC #032: Bladder problems during menopause
TWC #031: 7 pièges dépressifs de l'automne à éviter!
TWC #031: 7 pièges dépressifs de l'automne à éviter!
TWC #030: Bleeding after menopause - what you need to know
TWC #030: Bleeding after menopause - what you need to know
TWC #031: 7 depressive fall traps to avoid!
TWC #031: 7 depressive fall traps to avoid!
TWC #029: Sleep disorders - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #029: Sleep disorders - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #030: Bleeding after menopause – what you need to know!
TWC #030: Bleeding after menopause – what you need to know!
TWC #030: Saignements après la ménopause - ce que tu dois savoir!
TWC #030: Saignements après la ménopause - ce que tu dois savoir!
TWC #028: Hot flashes - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #028: Hot flashes - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #029: Sleep disorders - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #029: Sleep disorders - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #029: Troubles du sommeil - pourquoi et que puis-je faire pour y remédier?
TWC #029: Troubles du sommeil - pourquoi et que puis-je faire pour y remédier?
TWC #028: Hot flashes - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #028: Hot flashes - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #028: Bouffées de chaleur - pourquoi et que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #028: Bouffées de chaleur - pourquoi et que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #027: Mood swings - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #027: Mood swings - Why and what can I do about them?
TWC #027: Sautes d'humeur - pourquoi et que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #027: Sautes d'humeur - pourquoi et que puis-je faire contre?
TWC #027: Mood swings - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #027: Mood swings - why and what can I do about them?
TWC #026: How phytoestrogens improve your health extraordinarily at 45+
TWC #026: How phytoestrogens improve your health extraordinarily at 45+
TWC #026: How phytoestrogens can improve your health at 45+
TWC #026: How phytoestrogens can improve your health at 45+
TWC #026: Comment les phytoestrogènes améliorent ta santé
TWC #026: Comment les phytoestrogènes améliorent ta santé
TWC #025: Are phytopharmaceutical supplements right for me?
TWC #025: Are phytopharmaceutical supplements right for me?
TWC #024: 6 fantastic relaxation techniques for your stressful menopause
TWC #024: 6 fantastic relaxation techniques for your stressful menopause
TWC #023: Your way to a strong body! Strength training for women 45+
TWC #023: Your way to a strong body! Strength training for women 45+
TWC #025: Are phytopharmaceutical supplements right for me?
TWC #025: Are phytopharmaceutical supplements right for me?
TWC #025: Les compléments alimentaires de phytothérapie sont-ils faits pour moi?
TWC #025: Les compléments alimentaires de phytothérapie sont-ils faits pour moi?
TWC #022: What can I do if I gain weight during menopause?
TWC #022: What can I do if I gain weight during menopause?
TWC #024: 6 fantastic relaxation techniques
TWC #024: 6 fantastic relaxation techniques
TWC #024: 6 techniques de relaxation
TWC #024: 6 techniques de relaxation
TWC #023: Ton chemin vers un corps et un esprit forts!
TWC #023: Ton chemin vers un corps et un esprit forts!
TWC #023: Your path to a strong body and mind!
TWC #023: Your path to a strong body and mind!
TWC #021: How to improve your menopausal partnership - 5 tips to apply
TWC #021: How to improve your menopausal partnership - 5 tips to apply
TWC #022: What can I do if I gain weight during menopause?
TWC #022: What can I do if I gain weight during menopause?
TWC #022: Que puis-je faire si je prends du poids à la ménopause?
TWC #022: Que puis-je faire si je prends du poids à la ménopause?
TWC #020: I dry out - 7 tips how to avoid this
TWC #020: I dry out - 7 tips how to avoid this
TWC #021: How can you improve your partnership during menopause – 5 tips to apply
TWC #021: How can you improve your partnership during menopause – 5 tips to apply
TWC #021: Comment prendre soin de son couple pendant la ménopause - 5 conseils
TWC #021: Comment prendre soin de son couple pendant la ménopause - 5 conseils
TWC #020: I dry out - 7 tips on how to avoid this
TWC #020: I dry out - 7 tips on how to avoid this
TWC #020: Je me déshydrate - 7 conseils pour éviter cela
TWC #020: Je me déshydrate - 7 conseils pour éviter cela
TWC #019: Menopause at work - 6 tips
TWC #019: Menopause at work - 6 tips
TWC #019: La ménopause au travail - 6 conseils
TWC #019: La ménopause au travail - 6 conseils
TWC #019: Menopause in the workplace - 6 tips
TWC #019: Menopause in the workplace - 6 tips
TWC #018: Always these mood swings...
TWC #018: Always these mood swings...
TWC #017: What is an estrogen test?
TWC #017: What is an estrogen test?
TWC #018: Always these mood swings...
TWC #018: Always these mood swings...
TWC #018: Toujours ces sautes d'humeur...
TWC #018: Toujours ces sautes d'humeur...
TWC #017: What is an estrogen test?
TWC #017: What is an estrogen test?
TWC #017: Qu'est-ce qu'un test d'œstrogènes?
TWC #017: Qu'est-ce qu'un test d'œstrogènes?
TWC #016: What I've learned about the miracle of walking over the last 20 years
TWC #016: What I've learned about the miracle of walking over the last 20 years
TWC #015: Three life-changing breathing techniques
TWC #015: Three life-changing breathing techniques
TWC #016: What I've learnt about the miracle of walking over the last 20 years
TWC #016: What I've learnt about the miracle of walking over the last 20 years
TWC #016: Ce que j'ai appris au cours des 20 dernières années sur le miracle de la marche
TWC #016: Ce que j'ai appris au cours des 20 dernières années sur le miracle de la marche
TWC #014: Do hot flashes get worse in summer?
TWC #014: Do hot flashes get worse in summer?
TWC #013: Menopause: the darn symptoms
TWC #013: Menopause: the darn symptoms
TWC #015: Three life-changing breathing techniques that will significantly improve your well-being
TWC #015: Three life-changing breathing techniques that will significantly improve your well-being
TWC #015: Trois techniques de respiration qui changent la vie et qui améliorent considérablement ton bien-être
TWC #015: Trois techniques de respiration qui changent la vie et qui améliorent considérablement ton bien-être
TWC #012: Exercise is important, but I don't feel like it
TWC #012: Exercise is important, but I don't feel like it
TWC #014: Do hot flashes get worse in summer?
TWC #014: Do hot flashes get worse in summer?
TWC #014: Les bouffées de chaleur s'aggravent-elles en été?
TWC #014: Les bouffées de chaleur s'aggravent-elles en été?
TWC #013: Menopause: those darned symptoms
TWC #013: Menopause: those darned symptoms
TWC #013: Ménopause: les maudits symptômes
TWC #013: Ménopause: les maudits symptômes
TWC #011: Is Ayurveda therapy right for me?
TWC #011: Is Ayurveda therapy right for me?
TWC #012: Exercise is important, but I don't feel like it.
TWC #012: Exercise is important, but I don't feel like it.
TWC #012: L'exercice physique est important, mais je n'en ai pas envie
TWC #012: L'exercice physique est important, mais je n'en ai pas envie
TWC #011: Is Ayurvedic therapy right for me?
TWC #011: Is Ayurvedic therapy right for me?
TWC #011: Une thérapie ayurvédique est-elle faite pour moi ?
TWC #011: Une thérapie ayurvédique est-elle faite pour moi ?
TWC #010: Is homeopathy therapy right for me?
TWC #010: Is homeopathy therapy right for me?
TWC #009: Is hormone replacement therapy right for me? 
TWC #009: Is hormone replacement therapy right for me? 
TWC #010: Is homeopathic therapy right for me?
TWC #010: Is homeopathic therapy right for me?
TWC #010: Une thérapie homéopathique est-elle faite pour moi?
TWC #010: Une thérapie homéopathique est-elle faite pour moi?
TWC #008: How do I successfully implement new habits during menopause?
TWC #008: How do I successfully implement new habits during menopause?
TWC #009: Un traitement hormonal de substitution est-il fait pour moi ?
TWC #009: Un traitement hormonal de substitution est-il fait pour moi ?
TWC #009: Is hormone replacement therapy right for me? 
TWC #009: Is hormone replacement therapy right for me? 
TWC #008: Comment réussir à mettre en place de nouvelles habitudes pendant la ménopause?
TWC #008: Comment réussir à mettre en place de nouvelles habitudes pendant la ménopause?
TWC #008: How do I successfully implement new habits during menopause?
TWC #008: How do I successfully implement new habits during menopause?
TWC #007: What I need to know about menopause
TWC #007: What I need to know about menopause
TWC #007: What I need to know about menopause?
TWC #007: What I need to know about menopause?
TWC #006: Weight gain during menopause - does it have to be?
TWC #006: Weight gain during menopause - does it have to be?
TWC #007: Ce que je dois savoir sur la ménopause
TWC #007: Ce que je dois savoir sur la ménopause
TWC #005: How do I talk to my boss about my menopausal symptoms?
TWC #005: How do I talk to my boss about my menopausal symptoms?
TWC #006: Weight gain during menopause – is it necessary?
TWC #006: Weight gain during menopause – is it necessary?
TWC #006: Prise de poids pendant la ménopause - est-ce vraiment nécessaire?
TWC #006: Prise de poids pendant la ménopause - est-ce vraiment nécessaire?
TWC #004: What we have learned about stress in 12 months
TWC #004: What we have learned about stress in 12 months
TWC #003: 4 questions for a better sleep during menopause
TWC #003: 4 questions for a better sleep during menopause
TWC #005: How do I talk to my boss about my menopausal symptoms?
TWC #005: How do I talk to my boss about my menopausal symptoms?
TWC #005: Comment parler à mon chef de mes problèmes de ménopause?
TWC #005: Comment parler à mon chef de mes problèmes de ménopause?
TWC #004: What we have learned about stress in 12 months
TWC #004: What we have learned about stress in 12 months
TWC #004: Ce que nous avons appris sur le stress en 12 mois
TWC #004: Ce que nous avons appris sur le stress en 12 mois
TWC #003: 4 questions pour un meilleur sommeil pendant la ménopause
TWC #003: 4 questions pour un meilleur sommeil pendant la ménopause
TWC #003: 4 questions for better sleep during menopause
TWC #003: 4 questions for better sleep during menopause
TWC #002: Ménopause - en as-tu déjà parlé?
TWC #002: Ménopause - en as-tu déjà parlé?
TWC #002: Menopause - Have you ever talked about it?
TWC #002: Menopause - Have you ever talked about it?
TWC #002: Menopause - Have you ever talked about it?
TWC #002: Menopause - Have you ever talked about it?
TWC #001: Pourquoi avons-nous crée The Women Circle?
TWC #001: Pourquoi avons-nous crée The Women Circle?
TWC #001: Why we launch "The Women Circle".
TWC #001: Why we launch "The Women Circle".
TWC #001: Why we found The Women Circle!
TWC #001: Why we found The Women Circle!